Archive | October, 2015

Surviving Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia!

26 Oct
Jane Weaver

Jane Weaver at Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia.

A busy month away from this blog, and a few things to tell, but I’ll start with a follow up to the last post. Yes, just incase you were in any doubt, I survived the Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia. I’m pretty sure I can’t remember half of it and not because I was drunk, or otherwise. It all blended into one glorious noise and social whirl, although I do vividly remember live sets from JC Satan and Jane Weaver, who were exceptionally good. So, for all round good times and a real feeling of musical camaraderie, I heartily recommend checking out next year’s event (obviously if psychedelic music is your thing). Taking place in the city’s off beat Camp and Furnace district (think renovated warehouses), it was one of the best urban festivals I’ve been to! As well as the various stages, they even have numerous food stalls in operation, an upstairs dance floor and a vinyl shop (courtesy of Manchester’s Piccadilly Records).


Anyway, enough from me, I clearly haven’t retained enough information! Here is some dynamic footage instead: