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What the World Is Waiting For, or Fools Gold?…The return of The Stone Roses

20 Oct

15 years after they split, and still with something to prove.

The Stone Roses have been resurrected. Ian Brown, John Squire, Reni and Mani have done what few thought could be done, and reformed one of the most seminal British bands of the last 25 years. It was a long time coming, and all four members had previously said it was never going to happen, but the band that defined an era have actually returned. The only other event that could surpass this in stature or unlikeliness is the reformation of fellow Mancunians The Smiths. Now, I could say that that has absolutely no chance of happening, even if Morrissey and Marr are now on speaking terms. But we could have said a similar thing about The Stone Roses until very recently.
On Tuesday the band announced their intention to perform again (and perhaps even record some new music), and this was done in their usual irreverent manner. Continue reading